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Scholarships (2024)

The university offers a scholarship of NT$50,000 per student for incoming freshmen (NT$25,000 each semester, totaling two semesters), with a total allocation limit of NT$1,000,000. In cases where the total allocation exceeds this limit, the scholarship quotas for individual colleges will be distributed based on the ratio of the number of incoming international students to the total number of applicants in a given academic year. For details, please check the university’s scholarship website at https://oaic.ctust.edu.tw/var/file/15/1015/img/2188/731654622.pdf. In addition, foreign students can apply for Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships awarded by the government. For related information, please refer to the official website at http://tafs.mofa.gov.tw/Schs.aspx?loc=en.

本校提供新生入學獎學金每人 5 萬元(分兩學期領取,每學期 2 萬 5 仟 元);但以總金額一百萬元為限。超過上限時各學院獎學金名額則依該學 年各學院外國學生入學數除以總外國學生入學申請人數之比例分配。詳細 辦法請查詢本校獎學金網址 https://oaic.ctust.edu.tw/var/file/15/1015/img/2188/731654622.pdf 。此外 ,外國學生亦可申請政府核發之臺灣獎助學金,相關資訊請參閱 官方網站 http://tafs.mofa.gov.tw/Schs.aspx?loc=en.。

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Vedio-Internaitonal students