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VISA Information(International Studemts--Hong Kong and Macau not included) (簽證資訊 - 國際學生,不含香港及澳門)

Before Arrival (到達前)

Please click the following link based on your identity and follow the respective instruction in orderto apply for the Resident Visa. (請根據您的身份點擊以下鏈接,並按照相關指示申請居留簽證。)

Resident Visa for Foreign Students (外籍學生居留簽證申請):https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-165-1878-1ff5e-2.htm

Resident Visa for Overseas Chinese Students (華僑學生居留簽證申請):https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-165-1878-1ff5e-2.htm


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Brief Video Overview

【English version】

【Japanese version】

【Indonesian version】

【Vietnamese version】

Vedio-Internaitonal students